We declare that our company promotes the protection of personal information by establishing a personal information protection policy, building a mechanism for personal information protection, and thoroughly ensuring that all employees recognize the importance of personal information protection and act accordingly.

Article 1: Collection and Use of Personal Information

We will obtain personal information with a clear purpose and use it only within the scope of the intended purpose. The purpose of use will be explicitly stated in the individual information management ledger, and confirmation procedures will be established and implemented by the responsible person in charge of each department handling personal information to prevent unauthorized use beyond the intended purpose. Additionally, we will establish and implement an internal management system and security measures to avoid the use of personal information beyond the scope of the intended purpose.

Purpose of Using Personal Information

Customer and Business Partner Personal Information
– Providing information about products and services, and making proposals
– Providing products, services, support, and handling related administrative and accounting procedures
– Notifying and managing seminars, exhibitions, and other events
– Contacting for business negotiations and meetings
– Requesting and contacting for surveys and questionnaires related to the planning and use of products and services
– Contacting for materials purchase, procurement, and related administrative and accounting procedures
– Creating statistical data
– Responding to various inquiries
Personal Information Provided from Contractors
– Fulfilling the tasks entrusted by contractors
Shareholder Personal Information
– Exercising shareholders’ rights
– Conducting business related to fulfilling obligations
– Providing services to shareholders
– Creating data based on laws and managing shareholders and stocks
Personal Information of Job Applicants
– Providing information to job applicants and conducting business related to recruitment activities

Article 2: Management and Protection of Personal Information

We shall rigorously manage personal information and, except when explicitly consented by the individuals who provided the information, we shall not disclose or provide data to third parties. We shall establish and implement security measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage to personal information. Additionally, we will establish and implement procedures to prevent problems and, in case of any issues, promptly take corrective actions to prevent recurrence.

Article 3: Compliance with Laws and Standards

We shall comply with applicable laws, guidelines established by the government, and other standards regarding the handling of personal information that we possess.

Article 4: Handling of Inquiries and Complaints

We shall establish a system and procedures for accepting and responding to inquiries and complaints regarding the personal information we hold, and we will respond promptly.

Article 5: Continuous Improvement of Personal Information Protection Management System and Mechanism

We shall continuously improve the management system and mechanism for personal information protection.

Article 6: Handling of Access Information for Customers and Business Partners on the Website

For the purpose of improving services to customers and business partners and advertising and promoting our products, we use cookies on our website. Cookies are a mechanism for storing the usage history and input content, etc., that is sent and received between a web page and an internet browsing software (browser) as files on the customer’s or business partner’s computer. If customers and business partners allow the sending and receiving of cookies through their browser settings, we may acquire the stored cookies on their computers and link the collected behavior history with personal information. Customers and business partners can choose the settings for sending and receiving cookies from options such as “Allow cookies,” “Reject cookies,” or “Notify when receiving cookies” in their browser settings.

WAKU I.K.D Co., Ltd.

Representative Director
Taku Miyazaki
Postal Code: 171-0021
3-25-5 Nishi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Phone: +81-3-6907-0094 (WAKU), +81-3-6914-0395 (Betsuatsurae・Fu)